
Java programming language

New Electronics Project: Mailbox Monitor for Arduino

The Mailbox Monitor project detects the presence of "snail mail" within an old-fashioned mailbox.  Photographs of the Mailbox Monitor project, along with source code and instructions that you can use to build your own Mailbox Monitor, are available here. Read more about New Electronics Project: Mailbox Monitor for Arduino


Mailbox Monitor

The Mailbox Monitor detects the presence of "snail mail" within an old-fashioned mailbox.  It is a project for the Arduino Development Environment, and consists of projects for the Arduino IDE and Processing IDE which detect and report the presence of mail placed between an IR emitter and detector. Read more about Mailbox Monitor


New Electronics Project: 3D Map Control for Arduino

The 3D Map Control project lets you control the Google Earth web browser plug-in with a Wii Nunchuk connected to an Arduino development board.  A photograph and a video demonstration of the 3D Map Control project, along with source code and instructions that you can use to build your own 3D Map Control, are available here. Read more about New Electronics Project: 3D Map Control for Arduino


3D Map Control

3D Map Control is a project for the Arduino Development Environment that uses the Arduino development board to read, decode, and transmit data received from the Wii Nunchuk to a computer.  A simple Processing/Java application running on the computer reads the Wii Nunchuk data from the Arduino development board and makes it available to any modern web browser through a simple web service. Read more about 3D Map Control

New Electronics Project: Ringtone Jukebox for Arduino

Over the past few months I have been working on a few different projects using the excellent Arduino open source electronics prototyping platform.  Source code and schematics for these projects have been available through my GitHub account since I started working on them, but I am just now getting around to putting detailed project descriptions on this site.   Read more about New Electronics Project: Ringtone Jukebox for Arduino


Ringtone Jukebox

Ringtone Jukebox is a project for the Arduino Development Environment. It consists of a project for the Arduino IDE that plays RTTTL ringtones, and a project for the Processing IDE that draws graphical representations of the notes that make up a ringtone. Read more about Ringtone Jukebox



DialTones 1.0

DialTones is an Android application for dialing landlines with an Android device.  It does so by generating dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signals for phone numbers found in the device's contact list.

DialTones is open-source software made available with the MIT License and is copyright (c) 2010 Dustin Graves. Read more about DialTones


New Software: DialTones app for Android

The DialTones Android application for dialing landlines with an Android device has been added to the site.  Source code for the application and an Android Package file that can be installed on an Android device are available.  Find out more here. Read more about New Software: DialTones app for Android


CSCI 219 - Computer Graphics II


Computer Graphics II is a course that I took as a senior undergraduate at The George Washington University during the Spring 1999 semester. The course focused on the implementation of a simple software based 3D rendering package from scratch. The rendering software was developed in four phases to implement scan conversion, lighting, and texture mapping. My final project added some advanced lighting techniques and shadows. The results of the assignments and the C++ source code for the final version of the software based rendering package can be found below. Read more about CSCI 219 - Computer Graphics II


CSCI 185 - Computer Graphics I


Computer Graphics I is a course that I took as a senior undergraduate at The George Washington University during the Fall 1998 semester. The course focused on the design of software for 3D rendering. The Java programming language was used to implement simple graphics applications to perform 3D transformations and projections. The end result is a rotating wireframe rendering of a house. The final two assignments required the use of ray tracing to render basic 3D shapes. The final results of each assignment may be accessed below. Read more about CSCI 185 - Computer Graphics I

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